Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blizz: A true story of Windows Wallpaper

This is the story of world’s most popular windows wallpaper. Everyone uses Windows XP, should be familiar with BLIZZ wallpaper. Peoples who jumped into Windows vista & Windows 7 also take BLIZZ along with them. This is because this wallpaper is most popular. 

Most of us thought that, this wallpaper is purely created by Photoshop. But actually it was not like that. This photo is taken from 12/121 Highway, Sonoma county, California, US.  (To see in Google map, click here.) This is also a better industrial center of wine business in California. ‘The valley of the moon’ is the nick name of this place.

In 1996, a US photographer, called Charles Oriyer took these photographs of Blizz. He was worked with National Geography channel for a long time and after that he changed his destination to Napa Valley. Blizz is the most popular photo in his carrier. And it is one of the best Photographs among world’s 10 popular photographs.

 But the funniest thing is that, after 10 years they again went to the same place to take some photographs. And they had taken some more photographs by the same angle. This is the second picture.