Saturday, October 16, 2010

Making a Hollywood movie- nice one- Part 2

Hollywood movie making tips-nice one

Salt Water Falls
Model made out of glass, plexiglass, tile grout, moss, twigs, salt, painted canvas & dry ice. The waterfall was created from a time exposure of falling table salt.

Fields, After the Storm
This model is simply made out of faux fur(fields), cotton (clouds) and sifted tile grout(mountains). The perspective is forced as in all of my images, and the lighting effect was created by simply shifting the white balance.

Aurora Borealis
This one was made by photographing a beam of colored light against a black curtain to achieve the edge effect. The trees were composited from life ( so far the only real life element in any of these images) The stars are simply strobe light through holes in cork board.

Waterglass Mountains
This one is a mixture of many different materials, tile grout, moss, bottle brushes (pine trees) Actual clippings from ground cover and was built on top of standard outdoor patio table (water glass). The sky is canvas painted blue. Coloring was again achieved by shifting white balance.

The Beginning
Ground made of parsley bush clippings and moss (trees) Tile grout (mountains) & cotton for clouds in the distance. Dry ice was used for the atmospheric perspective

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