Friday, October 1, 2010

The man Who challenges Bill Gates

Warren Edward Buffett, the one and only man who challenges Bill Gates.  He is an American investor, industrialist and philanthropist. He is one of the most successful investors in the world. Often called the "legendary investor Warren Buffett".

What is the story behind his success?
The man Who challenges Bill Gates-Warren Buffett
The man Who challenges Bill Gates-Warren Buffett
The man Who challenges Bill Gates-Warren Buffett
The man Who challenges Bill Gates-Warren Buffett
The man Who challenges Bill Gates-Warren Buffett

The man Who challenges Bill Gates-Warren Buffett
The man Who challenges Bill Gates-Warren Buffett
The man Who challenges Bill Gates-Warren Buffett
The man Who challenges Bill Gates-Warren Buffett
The man Who challenges Bill Gates-Warren Buffett
The man Who challenges Bill Gates-Warren Buffett

Bill Gates VS Warren Buffett a talk Show